Chiawen Kiew
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Principal Investigation Manager
Mr. Chiawen Kiew is the Principal Investigations Manager at the Office of the Chief Compliance Officer of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, where he directs investigations of and evaluates allegations of corruption, fraud, and other misconduct. Mr Kiew also advises the Chief Compliance Officer on international policy concerning anti-corruption measures and enforcement practices of multilateral development banks. Mr. Kiew came to the EBRD from the Anti-Corruption Division of the OECD, where he counselled national-level governments on anti-corruption policy and governance. Mr. Kiew was previously an attorney in the United States representing clients in international corruption and fraud matters. Mr. Kiew is a graduate of Stanford University and the Northwestern University School of Law.
Using illustrative case studies audience will get to know how does the EBRD help to enhance the anti-corruption compliance programmes and business integrity of its counterparts and in its projects, which often take place in jurisdictions at high risk of corruption?